REBIRTH :: The 2025 QE3 Retreat
QE3 Synergies takes you deep within the recesses of your Whole Being to awaken, ignite, equip and catalyze your very Soul. We utilize regenerative processes that challenge your thinking, shift your perspective, drive your intentions and bring about action to bring about rejuvenation, growth and prosperity.
The goal is to unleash your brilliance. And to do this, we invigorate the five distinct areas of Whole Being: the mind; body; emotions; spirit; and, within the essence of your Will.
Our every engagement targets these areas, which is why we call it,
The QE3 Five-Prong Approach.
This approach aids your Whole Being in arriving at Quintessence (QE)... the highest best “self” that exists within you and is the very thing, we believe, you were created to achieve. We fervently believe that it is YOU who can save yourself - busting through your blocks, pushing through the adversity in your life, healing your wounds, right shifting your life, and manifesting the incredible life you desire for yourself.
We aid you in rediscovering your dynamic power...
So you manifest your own breakthrough.

Just as the phoenix bird associated with the spirit of QE3
goes thru the fire, regenerates itself and arises stronger
from ashes to establish a new life... likewise,
The QE3 Rebirth Retreat
will catalyze the rejuvenation of your Whole Being.
At QE3 we believe you deserve a total soulful experience. One that involves
the mind, body, spirit, emotions & Will and brings you into higher elevations.
Of LIFE. One that yields a fuller awareness, connected into resonating your
Being throughout the Earth, that gives you more perspective with which to
understand yourself & other beings within the world. We believe in
strengthening each distinctive and fully interconnected component of your
essence, for ultimate harmony, balance, meaning and joy. We call it
Resonating Bliss...
DO one thing today. Search for 'The Thing' that ensures you of reaching your
destiny with heightened awareness and increased abilities to accomplish whatever
will surely be demanded of you there. Step into a partnership with QE3 to move thru
the schtuff and go beyond your dreams.
Do ONE THING today. Discover a retreat, transformational coaching, our resources & tools or impact event or any other QE3 experience, designed with your full essence in mind. Thru it, you connect with us to realize entertaining, engaging & uplifting personal development that dynamically improves, renews and transforms YOU, with results in every area of your life.
Do one thing TODAY. Act now to arrive at ambitions beyond anything you ever dreamed. Arrive at your WHY. Discover the HOW. Understand the WHO. Embrace your WHAT. Accept WHEN. These tenets will guide and fuel you all along your journey with heightened knowledge, confidence, passion, intention and ability to accomplish your life's work.
My friend, it is no coincidence you are here. QE3 will be more than intentional in co-creating with you, to be sure that you push thru whatever shows up and arrive, in grand style, into Who, Why, How and What you are DESTINED to become. Today.